Blue Pottery
Chances are if you've placed an order online, sent an email, or ordered by phone, you know Tami. She's in charge of Direct Sales and Customer Service. She loves Bennington pottery and collects it as passionately as you do! Ask her what her favorite pottery shapes and glaze colors are because she loves talking about our stoneware collections as much as you do and she can answer almost any question you come up with!
Our goal is to help you build your Bennington collection - a collection that will serve you today and become a family heirloom tomorrow. Every customer inquiry and question is important to us.
For Urgent Concerns, Returns & Exchanges
If you have an urgent concern that requires immediate attention, please call 800-205-8033 between the hours of 11:00AM and 4:00PM EST. You may also call after hours and please leave a detailed message so that we can get back to you as quickly as possible.
Email Order Confirmations
When you place an online order with us you will receive two emails. The first will contain your order information and the second will be a credit card billing notification.
Should you fail to receive one or both of these emails, don't be alarmed. Chances are there was a typographical error in the email address you provided during checkout - it happens frequently.
However, if you saw the "Save this for your records" message on your screen after checkout, then we received your order and it will be shipped as quickly as possible from our Bennington Vermont location.
Check Order Status
If you're concerned about the status of your order, please send us an email by completing the form below and someone from our customer service department will respond as quickly as possible.
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