Ceramic slab boxes
Personal Clay Box
An Art Lesson by Marvin Bartel, Ed.D. Emeritus Professor of Art, Ceramics and Art Education Goshen College Finishing
Style Having listed all these finishing criteria, it must be added that it is also very valid to make raw edges and raw clay joints if the artist's style requires it. In speaking about mass media, Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium is the message." As clay artist, I think the medium and the process is the message. If the artist wavers between "slick tech" and "abstract action-expression, " the effect may be weak, ambiguous, and confusing. However, if the artist is brash, convincing, and consistent, it can be very strong work.
In music we don't expect a folk singer to start performing hard rock and don't expect a rock singer to mix in smooth melodic ballads. Just as in music, visual style portrays the artist's conviction, consistent mood, and aesthetic stance reflecting a particular artist's preferences. Students are not expected to have a mature style, but they are expected to practice creating consistent style, albeit temporary or experimental for them.
Something supportive of the main idea must be incorporated in the decoration. Requiring decoration is a good way to encourage more creative problem solving experience. There are many ways to decorate, including:
Design Principles to be Considered While Planning and Working
Why Make Requirements when Teaching Art and Creativity? |
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