Ceramic slab projects
Many potters use templates for slab building so they can make a form consistently over and over. Nancy Zoller came up with a great idea that combines the texturing step of her process with the templating step in her slab construction process.
In today’s post, Nancy demonstrates how her templates do double duty serving as a texture tool and a sizing tool in a great slab clay project. Smart! - Jennifer Harnetty, editor.
PS. To see how Nancy Zoller adds a foot and finishes this piece, pick up your copy of Handbuilding Techniques.
Texture a Clay Slab Then Use it as a Template for a Vase
by Nancy Zoller
Making the Bisque Mold
To make your initial vase bisque mold, roll out a ¼-inch thick slab of clay. Stamp your design on the surface then determine the dimensions of the finished piece. First cut this pattern out of paper then transfer it to the rolled clay. Cut or impress a pattern in the clay that is ½-inch larger than your desired finished piece. The dimensions of my vase mold are 5 inches across the top edge, 11 inches along the sides, and 3 inches along the bottom. Allow it to dry slowly so that it does not warp, then fire the slab in your next bisque kiln.